“It’s Alive!”: The Long Overdue Revival of My Blog

“It’s Alive!”: The Long Overdue Revival of My Blog 

Hello once again my beloved audience! If there were cobwebs in this space, I suppose that would be fitting for my content. Don’t worry, my spiders and other pets have not been neglected as my blog. In fact, the girls I have now are thriving! More on them later, though. For now, let me summarize where I’m at and the direction I have planned for this blog in the near future. 


Since I last updated, you’d better believe I’ve gotten some neat shots of my favorite fuzzy friends! I intend on tidying up the photography album and adding new pictures very soon. This is at the top of my to-do list for sprucing up this old blog, as well as a nice thematic makeover at some point. I’ve amassed quite the collection of interesting and intimate footage of many of my creatures, too, but that content will primarily go on my YouTube channel. I’ve got a big project in the makings for that too, so keep your eyes peeled!


Poems are my favorite method of expression when I’m feeling emotional. My poems have long since been the go-to for my depression and intense hurt, but I have grown to appreciate all types of poetry the more I grow into my writing. 

While I do have a lot of content, I’m going to save most of it to stockpile for the future as a backup for the weeks I’m just not feeling poetic. I’d like to start uploading poems biweekly, with short stories or other miscellaneous excerpts on every other week to supplement. This leads me to my next topic.

Short Stories

The idea of writing from a perspective I have never personally been through and trying to put myself in my character’s shoes has always been enticing to me. I don’t frequent the short story format, but the past week has produced two that I am actually fond of. I intend to work on more challenge pieces in the times I’m not feeling particularly poetic yet still have that writing urge. 

Random Personal Blogging

A lot goes on in a person’s life in a year, especially for a young lady such as myself. Clearly, my entomology fascination hasn’t died down in the slightest, but I have expanded from just jumping spiders to earwigs again, beetles, and harvestmen, currently. 

I’ve also gotten engaged to an awesome ex-arachnophobe named Jacob and we have a twelve week old (as of 4/10/21) red heeler mix puppy together. Her name is Willow! I’m working on training her to be my psychiatric service dog when she’s older. The three of us are planning on taking a cross country road trip in our pride and joy 1983 GMC Vandura, which we’re working on converting now. 

Lots of great adventures are ahead just around the corner! I’m definitely going to blog about my journey around the States, so that will most likely have its own section on my blog too for those of you who are interested. 

With all the new visions I have for this old blog, I hope some of you who stuck around will continue to stick around. Who knows, maybe even a few new eyes will grace my blog as I continue to develop it! 
